
The PEBLS Programme (Personal Empowerment, Behaviour and Learning Skills Programme) is a 6-week programme based upon the evidence based reflective practice model that supports families and individuals to explore and develop strategies to deal with life experiences associated with living with a health and wellbeing condition.

The PEBLS Programmes aim to train people to use the principles of reflective practice to develop their own tailored management approaches that reinforce positive coping strategies to improve their health and wellbeing as well as provide support for others.

The current suite of programmes include:

PEBLS– For Parents/Caregivers of recently diagnosed young people (9-18+) with a Neurodiverse condition
PEBLS+ – For Parents/Caregivers who received an earlier diagnosis or have been parenting a Neurodiverse condition for some time (3-18+)
PEBLS ACE– For Parents/Caregivers who care for children with Adverse Childhood Events
PEBLS LGBTQ+– For Parents/Caregivers who have LGBT+ children
PEBLS Self Care– For people with any Chronic/Lifelong Condition who require effective self care strategies

The PEBLS programme is based on a Reflective Practice approach to care and care management. There are many different types of Reflective Practice and many are generic in focus. The PEBLS program is not generic, each reflective cycle has been designed for a specific population and to be relevant to the issues they encounter. Each tailored cycle also teaches users to evaluate and adapt professional practice approaches for their condition to their own needs.

The unique aspects of the PEBLS programme are:

  • A flexible and adaptable course structure in order to meet the needs of the organization delivering, and as well as to those people who are completing the course.
  • It utilizes a robust evidence-based approach to inform all sessions, underpinned by an active learning approach.
  • Created by a team with over 25yrs experience of developing higher education courses for a range of health, medical, educational and social care professional groups.
  • An emphasis on promoting a lifelong learning approach and the development of self-management strategies and positive coping techniques.
  • It uses the principles of co-production to ensure each participant is supported in their learning.
  • It is particularly useful to neurodiverse populations where traditional management approaches are ineffective. This would include Autism and ADHD, Dyspraxia, PDA, ODD, CDD, GDD etc.
  • This approach is also effective for Long Term Chronic Conditions where there are complex health needs requiring tailored solutions that are manageable for, and acceptable to, the individual.